How to use Polygon (Matic) on TokenPocket?
About Polygon (Matic)
TokenPocket has supported Polygon mainnet (previously Matic network), so users can use Polygon through TokenPocket. Polygon is a protocol and a framework for building and connecting Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks. Aggregating scalable solutions on Ethereum supporting a multi-chain Ethereum ecosystem.
How to create Polygon ?
1.Open TokenPocket App, click the wallet name in the upper left corner to switch wallet, choose [Polygon], and then click [Add Wallet];
2. Click [Create], and then click [Create Wallet];
3. Set wallet name and password in order, and then tick [Terms of Service and Privacy], click [Create Wallet] to continue. Back up your mnemonic and then click [Completed Backup, Verify it]
Attention: Do not disclose mnemonic words to anyone!
4. Now, you need to fill in order your mnemonic to verify, and then click [Confirm]. At this moment, you have created Polygon (Matic) successfully !
How to use Polygon on TokenPocket ?
About Polygon Bridge If you want to move funds from Ethereum to Polygon, you must go through the so-called “bridge”, and the “bridge” works through a locking and exit mechanism. On Polygon, users can choose to use two types of bridges: Plasma Bridge and PoS Bridge. Plasma provides advanced security with plasma exit mechanism. It will take 7 days to transfer your funds back to Etnereum, while the PoS security will only take about 3 hours back to Etnereum since it is provided by the PoS validators.
We will take PoS Bridge as an example to show how to move funds from Ethereum to Polygon.
- Click [Discover] on the bottom of TokenPocket, and then search [Polygon Bridge];
2. Click [Polygon Bridge];
3. After entering the page, choose a wallet connecting way (Take Metamask as an example here), and then confirm the approved information, and then click [Confirm];
4. After entering the Polygon Bridge page, click [Back to Wallet];
5. Choose a token you need to move to Polygon, and then click [Deposit]; (Take depositing USDT to Polygon as an example)
6. Enter the token amount, or click [MAX] for all, and then click [Transfer] to procceed.
7. Double confirm that the transfer way is from Ethereum to Polygon, and then click [Continue];
Note: Delegation/Staking tokens are not supported.
8. Please kindly know that deposit process consists of two transactions (Approve and Complete deposit), and then click [Continue];
9. Double confirm the transfer route and mode, and then click [Continue] to procceed;
Note: Using PoS Bridge mode will take approximately 3 hours if you need to transfer your funds back to Ethereum.
10. Next step, you will enter the [Confirm Approve] page, click [Confirm] to approve. And then click [Continue] to confirm the deposit;
11. Here is the last step, after confirming the transfer information, click [Confirm] to transfer your funds and then wait patiently since the process will take a few minutes for the deposit to get completed. After completion, your balance on Polygon will be updated.
Tip: You can set the miner fee to adjust Gas Price and Gas Limit on payment page by your own preference.